
Talks with Lake Anne property owners to refine economic vision begin

Lake Anne Plaza in Reston (photo by Ray Copson)

A consultant is beginning a three-month-long process to determine the feasibility and buy-in required to implement a comprehensive revitalization of the Lake Anne area of Reston.

Consultant Street Sense has begun phase two of its economic visioning study of the Lake Anne Commercial Revitalization Area, which kicked off last year. The consultant will conduct a series of one-on-one meetings with individual property owners soon, according to Fairfax County.

“The findings of Phase Two will shape the scope of work for a potential third phase of the Economic Visioning Study, which would investigate the feasibility of implementing the various components contained in the vision plan,” Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn said in his weekly newsletter yesterday (Wednesday).

The first phase of the study concluded this summer after a series of public engagement efforts with the community.

So far, the vision suggests a concentration of new apartment units on the Crescent property at 1527 Cameron Crescent Drive, added cultural attractions, a parking structure, a centralized green space, connections from the Crescent site to Lake Anne Plaza via a new park, and the restoration of a tunnel to the east side of the area.

The third phase of the study is expected to begin in the first quarter of next year. It could be funded via a carryover adjustment from the fiscal year 2023 budget. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will vote on that carryover package on Sept. 26.

The work comes as the county begins working with stakeholders over the next year to redevelop the Crescent Apartments property at the plaza.