Around Town

Spring celebration to take over Frying Pan Farm Park next month

Frying Pan Farm Park in Herndon (staff photo by James Jarvis)

Fairfax County residents don’t have to head to D.C. to experience the flair of cherry blossoms.

Frying Pan Farm Park in Herndon will be the site of a spring celebration to celebrate the arrival of cherry blossoms on Saturday, April 6.

The event, “Into the Woods,” is a free, self-paced tour that will include interactive stations that include fairy-house building and other crafts.

“Discover the magic of Frying Pan Farm Park’s woods, where the combination of spring sunshine and rare soil creates a vibrant ecosystem,” the Fairfax County Park Authority said.

The event is free and open for all ages. Registration is open online to help the park authority manage park volume. Attendees can choose from different program start times at 11 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and noon.

Frying Pan Farm Park is located 2709 West Ox Road in Herndon.