
Youth Leadership Network Volunteer Day

Join Leadership Fairfax’s Youth Leadership Network to make a difference in the community! Designed for high school volunteers age 16 and up, they will help with unloading, sorting, inspecting, and checking for expiration dates and usability of shelf-stable and perishable food items. They will also assist with creating snack packs for the Embry Rucker Community Shelter. Volunteer shift will be followed by the opportunity to connect with fellow youth leaders and enjoy a pizza lunch!

For all volunteer positions and shifts at the FREE from Hunger Center (aka Food Hub), please come prepared to assist with any task. We appreciate your flexibility!

RSVP required!! https://cornerstonesva.volunteerhub.com/vv2/lp/leadershipfairfaxyouthnetwork

Learn more about the Youth Leadership Network by going to leadershipfairfax.org/yln